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Depending on the data to be measured, appropriate electronic sensors are required. These measure pressure, speeds or line guidance via GPS antennas on the racetrack. In most cases, suspension travel sensors are connected at the front and rear, a 2D oil pressure sensor is mounted on the engine housing and brake pressure sensors on the brake master cylinder. The tire pressure sensor in the rim is suitable for monitoring the rim temperature and the tire pressure of the front and rear wheels. We also recommend our lambda sensor device for optimum regulation of the air/fuel ratio. The probes and antennas as well as measuring pressure devices especially for motorcycles on the racetrack are available from us in the alpha Racing Shop. Data acquisition on the racetrack is not only suitable for professional motorcycle teams but also for hobby riders to get to know and improve their own riding style.
MoTeC GPS antenna, for M RCK
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Depending on the data to be measured, appropriate electronic sensors are required. These measure pressure, speeds or line guidance via GPS antennas on the racetrack. In most cases, suspension travel sensors are connected at the front and rear, a 2D oil pressure sensor is mounted on the engine housing and brake pressure sensors on the brake master cylinder. The tire pressure sensor in the rim is suitable for monitoring the rim temperature and the tire pressure of the front and rear wheels. We also recommend our lambda sensor device for optimum regulation of the air/fuel ratio. The probes and antennas as well as measuring pressure devices especially for motorcycles on the racetrack are available from us in the alpha Racing Shop. Data acquisition on the racetrack is not only suitable for professional motorcycle teams but also for hobby riders to get to know and improve their own riding style.