Cover SAS - airbox

Cover secondary air system - airbox, if SAS valve is removed


Product number: 1173B001A00
This cover is needed when removing the SAS valve to close the opening on the airbox.

- incl. o-ring
- black anodised
- with alpha Racing Logo

In gasoline engines, the secondary air valve is activated during a cold start in order to minimize the exhaust gas components HC and CO in the warm-up phase. Oxygen-rich ambient air flows past the combustion chamber and directly into the exhaust ducts. There, the unburned exhaust gas components are "afterburned", which reduces pollutant emissions and also brings the catalytic converter up to operating temperature more quickly.

This system was developed primarily with a view to the EURO emissions standards. When converting a bike to race track use (without catalytic converter, etc.), we recommend removing the side air system (SAS).

Weight: 0.020 kg

Delivery Scope

- cover
- o-ring

ManufacturerModelTypeModel YearVariantCapacity
alpha RacingRC-STK-MK662021 - 2022RCM21999
alpha RacingRC-STK-MK662023 - 2024RCM23999
alpha RacingRC-STK-SK672023 - 2024RCS23999
alpha RacingRC-STK-SK672019 - 2022RCS19999
BMWHP4K422012 - 20140D01999
BMWM 1000 RRK662021 - 20220E71999
BMWM 1000 RRK662023 - 20240P01999
BMWS 1000 RK102014 - 20160D02999
BMWS 1000 RR2R102017 - 20180D50999
BMWS 1000 RRK102009 - 20110507999
BMWS 1000 RRK102012 - 20140524999
BMWS 1000 RRK102015 - 20160D10999
BMWS 1000 RRK672023 - 20240E61999
BMWS 1000 RRK672019 - 20220E21999

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